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beyond:pangoscript_commands [2020/05/26 12:39]
Bob Varkevisser
beyond:pangoscript_commands [2020/06/11 19:20]
Line 1: Line 1:
-PangoScript Commands 
-^ Function ^ Code ^ Description ^ 
-| AddSMS | AddSMS "This is my demo message" || 
-| Angle | Angle 0,0,0 | X,Y,Z angles in degrees | 
-AngleDelta 0,0,0 // increment X,Y,Z angles in degrees 
-AngleX 0 // degree 
-AngleY 0 // degree 
-AngleZ 0 // degree 
-AnimateProp "", 0,1,1000 // "variable", From, To, Duration MS 
-AnimatePropDelta "", 10,1000 // "variable", Delta, Duration MS 
-AnimationSpeed 100 // speed in %. Zero full stop. 
-AnimationSpeedDelta 0 
-Brightness 100 // 0..100 (percents) 
-BrightnessDelta 0 
-ChannelOut 1, 1000 // set first channel to 1000 (max value) 
-ClickFXTabMode 1 // 1-Master, 2-Cue, 3-Zone, 4-ProTrack 
-ClickFlash   // optional argument: 1 or 2 (Grid number) 
-ClickFxVlj 1 // Toggle first FX-VLJ  
-ClickLCTabMode 1 // 1-Master, 2-Cue, 3-Zone, 4-ProTrack 
-ClickLive   // optional argument: 1 or 2 (Grid number) 
-ClickLockSize 1  //0,1,2 Off, On, toggle 
-ClickRestart   // optional argument: 1 or 2 (Grid number) 
-ClickScrollA -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollAniSpeed -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollB -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollColor -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollFade -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollG -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollHue -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollHueShift -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollR -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollSaturation -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollScanRate -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollSize -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollVPoints -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickScrollZoom -5 // scroll speed, recommended -5..-1, or 1..5. Zero will stop. 
-ClickSelect  // optional argument: 1 or 2 (Grid number) 
-ClickSoloFlash   // optional argument: 1 or 2 (Grid number) 
-ClickTCTabMode 1 // 1-Master, 2-Cue, 3-Zone, 4-ProTrack 
-ClickToggle  // optional argument: 1 or 2 (Grid number) 
-ClickTrack   // optional argument: 1 or 2 (Grid number) 
-CodeColorMarker 0x00FF00 // green color marker  
-CodeName "MyCode" // define name of  
-CodeShortcut "Ctrl+D" 
-ColorBGR 0x0000FF // blue color 
-ColorOn 1// 1-enabled, 0-disabled 
-ColorRGB 0x0000FF // red color,  
-ColorSlider 0 // 0..255 
-ColorSliderDelta 0 
-ControlCue 1,1 
-ControlProTrack 1 
-ControlProjector 1 
-ControlZone 1 // name as "Main Graphics", or zone number 1...N 
-CueDown 1,1 // page 1..100, cue 1..100 
-CueUp 1,1 // page 1..100, cue 1..100 
-DecreaseTrigger 0,100,"MyLabel" // Min Value, Max Value, Label name 
-DefineDmxTrigger 1 // Channel 
-DefineMidiTrigger 0xC0, 0x00 // MIDI Cmmand, MIDI Data 1, Trigger Name (optional), MIDI Dev index from 0 to 3 (optional), but default - any 
-DefineTCTrigger "TC Test"// hour, minute, second 
-DefineTrigger "2+2" // expression... 
-DeletePropAni // "variable", ["variable",..] 
-DisplayPopup "Hello world!" 
-DisplayPopupOnTop "Hello world!" 
-DisplayPreview "Hello world!", 0x0000ff 
-DmxInMute 1, 255 // Channel index, 0 or 1; or ChannelIndex 
-DmxOut 1, 255 // set first DMX OUT channel to 255 (max value) 
-DmxOutRange 1, 255 // set first DMX OUT channel  
-DropFX 1,1, 1000 // Layer, Index, duration ms 
-Echo 2  // 0-none, 1-ok/error, 2-echo of input plus ok/error 
-EnableDmxIn Toggle  // ON, OFF, TOGGLE 
-EnableFb3StyleDmxIn 1 // On(1), Off(0), Toggle(2) 
-ExecCmd "Blackout" 
-ExitBEYOND // Exit from BEYOND 
-FX 0,0,0,0 // One or more layers. 0 stop. Effect 1..100 
-FXAction 100,100,100,100 // One or more layers. Set effect action from 0% to 100% 
-FXCellClick 1,1 
-FXCellDown 1, 1 // Layer number: 1..4, Effect number 
-FXClick 1,1 
-FXScroll 1 
-FXScrollDelta 8 
-FXTimeScaleAx 1,2,1 // Layer, Mask (1,2,3), multiplier 
-FXTimeScaleAxReset 1,2 // Layer, Mask (1,2,3) 
-FXTimeScaleDeltaAx 1,2,1 // Layer, Mask (1,2,3), increment value 
-FXTimeSync 1,1 // Layer, Source (1-Master, 2-Own time) 
-FocusCell 1,1 // Column (1..10), Row (1..6) 
-FocusCellIndex 1 // cell index, 1..60 
-FocusProTrack 1 // Track index/name 
-FocusProjector 1 // Projector index, 1..N. 
-FocusZone 1 // zone index, 1..N. 
-hello // answer will be Hello! 
-HoldClick ON 
-Hue 0 
-HueDelta 0 
-HueShift 0 
-HueShiftDelta 0 
-InRangeTrigger 0,100,"MyLabel" // Min Value, Max Value, Label name 
-InRangeTriggerCmd 0,100,"Blackout" // Min Value, Max Value, Command 
-IncreaseTrigger 0,100,"MyLabel" // Min Value, Max Value, Label name 
-LessThanTrigger 0,"MyLabel" // Value, Label name 
-LinePerCycle 24 
-LoadCue "c:\MyAnimationFile.bani" // Enter correct file name! 
-<internal commmand> 
-LoadPlaylist "c:\MyPlaylist.BeyondSL" 
-LoadWorkspace "c:\MyWorkspace.BeyondWorkspace" // Enter correct file name! 
-<internal commmand> 
-MakeSecuredFile "Input file name", "Output file name", ClientHardwareSerial 
-MasterAudioVolume 100 // in percents 
-MasterAudioVolumeMute 1 // On(1), Off(0), Toggle(2) 
-MasterClockShift 0 // in seconds 
-MasterCueLcSpeed 100 // in percents 
-MasterCueSpeed 100 // in percents 
-MasterEffectClockShift 0 // in seconds 
-MasterEffectMetroShift 0 // in beats 
-MasterFXSpeed 100 // in percents 
-MasterLCSpeed 100 // in percents 
-MasterMetroShift 0 // in beats 
-MasterPause Toggle //ON, OFF, TOGGLE 
-MasterPauseTime 1000 // time in milliseconds 
-MasterShowBrightness 100 // in percents 
-MasterShowSpeed 100 // in percents 
-MasterSpeed 1 // From zero to one 
-MasterTransition ON 
-MasterTransitionIndex 2 
-MasterTransitionTime 0.1 
-MasterZoneFxSpeed 100 // in percents 
-MeshCurve 1,2,3 // quad-spline between point 1,2 and 3 
-MeshPoint -100,-100, 0, "LeftBottom" 
-MeshPointChan 1,0,0 
-MeshPolygon 1,2 // connect 1st and 2nd point 
-MeshRect 1,2,3, 
-MeshSpline 1,2,3,4 // cubic-spline based on 4 points. 1,4 bases, 2,3 "handles" 
-MeshTriangle 1,2,3 
-MidiOut 0x90, 0x40, 0x7F 
-MidiOutLong 0x90, 0x40, 0x7F 
-MidiSysexAdd  "F0477F"  // add data to Systex buffer, string must represent sequence of hex values. In addition, you may use integer parameters 
-MidiSysexSend // send prepared sysex buffer 
-MidiSysexStart  // clear Sysex buffer 
-MoreThanTrigger 0,"MyLabel" // Value, Label name 
-MoveFocus -1,0 // number of cells to go horizontally and vertically 
-MulFXMulAx 1, 3, 1 // Multiply multiplier... :-) Layer number: 1..4, Mask (1 is clock, 2 is beat, 3 is clock and beat), Value of multiplier 
-MuteProTrack 1 // index(es) or name(s) 
-MuteSelectedZones OFF // ON, OFF, TOGGLE 
-MuteZone 0 // index(es) or name(s) 
-MuteZonesOfProjector 1 // projector index, 1..N. 
-OneCue // one cue per workspace 
-OnePer // one cue per projectoin zone  
-OscOut "/beam1/xy", -5, 100 // set beam 1 position to [-5,100] 
-OscOutTTS "","" // Address, Type Tag String, Arguments (optional) 
-OutOfRangeTrigger 0,100,"MyLabel" // Min Value, Max Value, Label name 
-OutOfRangeTriggerCmd 0,100,"Blackout" // Min Value, Max Value, Command 
-password "enter pasword here" 
-PauseCue 1,1, TOGGLE // page, cue, action (ON, OFF, TOGGLE) 
-PlayListSetPos 1 
-PlayListSetTime 0 
-PlayersDisk 1, 0.1 
-PlayersDiskShift 0.1 
-Position 0,0,0 // X,Y,Z position.  
-PositionDelta 0,0,0 // X,Y,Z  
-PositionIndex 1,0 // one axiz only: 1 is X, 2 is Y, 3 is Z. Second paramater is Value, 0 center, 100 is max 
-PositionX 0 //-100..100 
-PositionY 0 //-100..100 
-PositionZ 0 //-100..100 
-PreviewNxN 1 // 1 - laser, 2 - 2x2, 3 - 3x3, 4 - 4x4 
-ProTrackDisk 1, 0.1 
-ProTrackDiskShift 0.1 
-PulseEvent "MyEventName" 
-QLog "My message to QLog tab" 
-RGBA 255,255,255,255 // R,G,B,Alpha. 0..255 
-RGBADelta 0,0,0,0 
-RestartCell // restart current cell 
-RebootConnectedFB4 // If you need to use this command then please contact Pangolin ( and tell what is wrong with your FB4. Thanks. 
-RefreshDmxIn // activate update of DMX IN reactions, independently on data changed or no 
-RegisterOscFeedback "/beyond/master/brightness", "master.brightness" 
-RestartCue 1,1 // page, cue 
-ResyncByCueClick On  // options: On, Off, Toggle 
-RotoSpeed 0,0,0  // rotation speed by X,Y,Z axis. degree. 
-RotoSpeedDelta 0,0,0 // increment of rotation speed. X,Y,Z axis. 
-RotoSpeedX 0 // rotation speed, degree 
-RotoSpeedY 0 // rotation speed, degree 
-RotoSpeedZ 0 // rotation speed, degree 
-RunApp "C:\Windows\Notepad.exe", "" // full exe file name, parameters 
-Saturation 0 
-SaturationDelta 0 
-ScanRate 100 
-ScanRateDelta 0 
-SelectAndFocusZone 1 // zone index, 1..N. 
-SelectCat 1 // category index, 1..N. 
-SelectCatName "Graphics" // define correct Category name. 
-SelectCue "Cue01" // Enter correct Cue name! 
-SelectFixt 0 // index(es) or name(s) 
-SelectGrid 1 // 1-main grid, 2-grid at bottom. 0-recently active 
-SelectMidi 1 // select MIDI device pair, 1..4. 
-SelectPage 1 // tab index, 1..N. 
-SelectPageName "Graphics" // define Page name! 
-SelectProTrack 1 // index(es) (1..N) or name(string). Can be used more than one argument 
-SelectProjector 1 // index(es) (1..N) or name(string). Can be used more than one argument 
-SelectTab 1  // tab index, 1..N. 
-SelectTabName "Graphics" // define Page name! 
-SelectZone 1 // zone index, 1..N. 
-SelectZoneName "Main Graphics" // enter Zone name 
-SetActiveGrid 1 // or 2  
-SetAttractionSlider 10 
-SetAudioGain 10 // 1..15 
-SetAudioInGain 10 // 1 is min, 15 is max, 10 default 
-SetAudioInRelease 75 // 1 is min, 99 is max (slowest) 75 is default 
-SetAudioRelease 75 // 1..99 
-SetBpm 120 
-SetBpmDelta 1 
-SetButtonMSL 1 
-SetChannelToChannelRatio 0 // 0..100 
-SetCueCaptionColor 1,2, 0x0000FF  // page 1, cue 2, color (windows, 24bit color) 
-SetDmxEditorChannel 1, 128 
-SetDmxToChannelRatio 0 // 0..100 
-SetEffectChannelAction 0 //0..100 
-SetFFTToChannelRatio 0 // 0..100 
-SetFX 1, 1 // Layer number: 1..4, Effect index: 1..100 
-SetFX1MSL 1 
-SetFX2MSL 1 
-SetFX3MSL 1 
-SetFX4MSL 1 
-SetFX5MSL 1 
-SetFX6MSL 1 
-SetFXAction 1, 100 // Layer number: 1..4, Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction1 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction2 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction3 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction4 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction5 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction6 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction7 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXAction8 100 // Action 0..100 percent 
-SetFXMul 1, 1,1 // Layer number: 1..4, Multiplier 1 - default value for clock and metronome 
-SetFXMulAx 1, 3, 1 // Layer number: 1..4, Mask (1 is clock, 2 is beat, 3 is clock and beat), Value of multiplier 
-SetFXMute 1, 0 // Layer number: 1..4, 0-Off, 1-On, 2-Toggle 
-SetFrictionSlider 10 
-SetGrid1MSL 1 
-SetGrid1Page 1 
-SetGrid2MSL 1 
-SetGrid2Page 1 
-SetGridSize 8,5 
-SetLimiterBeam 5 
-SetLimiterDMX 5 
-SetLimiterFlash 4 
-SetLimiterHold 3 
-SetLimiterPerGrid 10 
-SetLimiterPerZone 3 
-SetLimiterProfile 1 
-SetLimiterShow 2 
-SetLocation 1, 0,0,0 // set one of 256 positions/locations (index 1..256, X,Y,Z as normalized values (0..1) 
-SetMassSlider 4 
-SetMidiLayer 1 // 1..8. 
-SetPage 1 
-SetPhysicsCheckbox ON 
-SetProTrackZones 1, 1 // Track index/name, Zone name(es)/index(es) 
-SetSliderMSL 1 
-SetTransitionIndex 2 
-SetTransitionTime 0.1 
-SetUCenterPage 1 // set first page 
-SetUEditPage 1 // set first page 
-SetUMaxPage 1 // set first page 
-SetUPreviewPage 1 // set first page 
-SetURightPage 1 // set first page 
-SetUToolPage 1 // set first page 
-SetVdjToChannelRatio 0 // 0..100 
-<internal commmand> 
-SetZoneMeshPointPos 1, 1,1, 0,0 // Zone index, X node index, Y node index, X coordinate (-32K..32K), y coordinate 
-SetZoneMuteMSL 1 
-SetZoneSelMSL 1 
-ShiftFX 1, 1 // Layer 1..4, delta 
-ShiftFocus -5 // go back and forth on N cells 
-ShowHint "Hello!" // show hint window in center of main window 
-ShowIsNowSMS 1 
-ShutDownWindows // require ShutDownWindows.exe application 
-Size 100,100,100 // Size X,Y,Z axis 
-SizeDelta 0,0,0 // shift Size value 
-SizeDelta 0,0 
-SizeX 100 
-SizeY 100 
-SizeZ 100 
-Sleep 1000 
-SoloProTrack 1 // index(es) or name(s) 
-StartCell // start current cell 
-StartCode "MyCode" // put YOUR name of code 
-StartCue 1,1 
-StartPrevious // "Back" button 
-StopAllAsync 0.5 // duration in seconds 
-StopAllNow // no arguments 
-StopAllSync  0.5 // duration in seconds 
-StopCell // stop current cell 
-StopCode "MyCode"  // put YOUR name of code 
-StopCue 1,1 
-StopCueNow 1, 1 // page 1..100, cue 1..100 
-StopCueSync 1, 1, 0.5 // page 1..100, cue 1..60, time 0.. 
-StopCueType 255 //Mask: 1-Image, 2-Timeline, 4-DMX, 8-Sequence, 16-Beams, 32-Capture 
-StopFX // One or more layers. 0 stop. Effect 1..100 
-StopFXCell // Layer index, optional Cell index (relative, take into account scrollbar) 
-StopOnBlackout 1 
-StopProTrack 1 // index(es) (1..N) or name(string). Can be used more than one argument 
-StopProTrackFX 1, 1 // Track index/name and FX line index(es). Counting from 1. If no arguments at all - stop all FX on all tracks 
-StrobeSpeed 0.2 // period, flicker per second 
-StrobeSpeedDelta 0.1 // period, flicker per second 
-SynchronizePlayerToBeat On  // options: On, Off, Toggle 
-TapByCueClick On  // options: On,Off, Toggle 
-TimelineJumpDelta 1 // one second 
-TimelinePlayFromMarker "" 
-TimelineSetPos 10 // jump to second 10 
-TimelineSetTabName "MyShow" 
-TimelineSetViewRange 1,5 // from s to 5 second 
-TimelineShiftViewRange 1 // one second shift 
-TimelineShowItNow 1 // set online mode for timeline editor 
-Toggle // start/stop current cell 
-ToggleCue 1,1 
-ToggleFX 1 // Layer number: 1..4 
-ToggleMuteProTrack 1 // index(es) or name(s) 
-ToggleMuteZone 0 // index(es) or name(s) 
-ToggleMuteZoneOfProjector 1 // 1st projector 
-TogglePrevious // "SWAP" button 
-ToggleSelectProTrack 1 // index(es) (1..N) or name(s) 
-ToggleSelectProjector 1 // index(es) (1..N) or name(s) 
-ToggleSelectZone 1 // zone index, 1..N. 
-ToggleSoloProTrack 1 // index(es) or name(s) 
-ToggleUCenterPage 1  // Relative command. +1 means next page, -1 means previous 
-ToggleUEditPage 1 // Relative command. +1 means next page, -1 means previous 
-ToggleUMaxPage 1  // Relative command. +1 means next page, -1 means previous 
-ToggleUPreviewPage 1  // Relative command. +1 means next page, -1 means previous 
-ToggleURightPage 1  // Relative command. +1 means next page, -1 means previous 
-ToggleUToolPage 1  // Relative command. +1 means next page, -1 means previous 
-Transition Toggle  // ON, OFF, TOGGLE 
-UnMuteZonesOfProjector 1 // projector index, 1..N. 
-UnSelectZone 1 // zone index, 1..N. 
-UnSelectZoneName "Main Graphics" // enter Zone name 
-UnSoloProTrack 1 // index(es) or name(s) 
-UnmuteProTrack 1 // index(es) or name(s) 
-UnmuteZone 0 // index(es) or name(s) 
-UnselectFixt 0 // index(es) or name(s) 
-UnselectProTrack 1 // index(es) (1..N) or name(s) 
-UnselectProjector 1 // index(es) (1..N) or name(s) 
-VljFX 1, Toggle // index of FX-VLJ 1..4, and action: ON, OFF, TOGGLE 
-version // remote server will get exe file version 
-VirtualLJ Toggle // ON, OFF, TOGGLE 
-VisiblePoints 100 // 0..100 (percents) 
-VisiblePointsDelta 0 
-WaitForAudioBeat 1 
-WaitForBeat 7, 1 
-WaitForCellDown 1 
-WaitForCellUp 1 
-WaitForChannel 1 
-WaitForCueStart 1 1 
-WaitForCueStop 1 1 
-WaitForDmx 1 
-WaitForEvent "MyEventName" 
-WaitForHotKey // waiting for hotkey assigned to this script in Code-tab 
-WaitForManualBeat 1 
-WaitForMidi 0x90, -1, -1 
-WaitForTC 15,30,0,0 // hours, minutes, seconds, ms 
-WaitForTime 15,30,0,0 // hours, minutes, seconds, ms 
-WaitForTimePos 21,00,00,00 // hours, minutes, seconds, ms 
-WaitForTimerBeat 1 
-writeln "Hello world!" 
-ZoneFXTimeScale 1,2,1 // Layer, Clock multipler, Metronome multiplier 
-ZoneFXTimeScaleDelta 0,0,0, 
-ZoneFXTimeShift 1,2,1 // Layer, Clock multipler, Metronome multiplier 
-ZoneFXTimeShiftDelta 0,0,0, 
-Zoom 100 // value -100..100 
-ZoomDelta 0 // shift zoom value 
beyond/pangoscript_commands.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/11 19:20 (external edit)