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tools:lc4d:tip_point_spacing_for_objects [2021/05/02 11:12]
Bob Varkevisser
tools:lc4d:tip_point_spacing_for_objects [2021/05/02 11:42] (current)
Bob Varkevisser [Tips: Point spacing for objects]
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-Although Lasershow Converter 4D's default settings give good results for most scenes, it is still handy to assign point placement settings on an object-by-object basis. Below you will find some suggested settings for various scenes.+Although Lasershow Converter 4D's default((There is no special "Reset" function in Lasershow Converter 4D for returning to default values. Once you changed the settings you can return to the previous values simply by using Cinema 4D's **Undo** function.\\ 
 +If you make changes in the **Object Tag** and you find the results unsatisfactory, simply delete the Object Tag from the **object manager** list and apply a new Object Tag. The tag can be removed by clicking on the tag icon and press the <Del> key.\\ 
 +In addition, the **Render Settings** can simply be reset by selecting the Lasershow Converter 4D in the **Post Effects** dialog of the Render Settings menu and choose **Remove Selected**. Reselecting Lasershow Converter 4D enables a new post render effect with default values.)) settings give good results for most scenes, it is still handy to assign point placement settings on an object-by-object basis. Below you will find some suggested settings for various scenes.
 ===== Settings for cubes and rectangular objects ===== ===== Settings for cubes and rectangular objects =====
tools/lc4d/tip_point_spacing_for_objects.1619946762.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/02 11:12 by Bob Varkevisser