====== BEYOND Timeline Main Menus ====== ===== File Menu ===== * New Show - creates a new tab for a new BEYOND Timeline show. * Open Show - opens a dialog box to load a BEYOND show file to the Timeline editor. The opened Show will appear in a new show tab. * Save Show - saves the BEYOND Show to a file. Please note, when you save a BEYOND Show to a file, the show will be used separately from the Workspace; BEYOND will convert all Timeline Events referencing Cues from the workspace used in the Show into “local Cues”. * QuickSave - saves the Show to a file without asking for a file name (if the file name is known). * Save Show and copy Media files - important command. This option will open a dialog box for you to point to a folder where BEYOND will save the Show file, and copy all the media files (audio, video, pictures) into this folder. BEYOND will also convert all absolute file names of the media files to relative names. * Load Show from current cue - copies a Timeline Show from the current selected Cue. BEYOND allows you to keep the Shows in the workspace, but, as a rule, a Show can have a large file size and can use a large portion of your system memory. We recommend to keep Timeline Shows stored as files and play them from the Play List. * Save Show to current cue - saves the Show to a currently selected workspace Cue. * Import Showtime Show - imports a LD2000 Showtime show into the BEYOND Timeline editor. * Bulk Import Showtime Shows - Opens a dialog box where you can select multiple LD2000 Showtime show files. BEYOND will start to import and save the Showtime shows one at a time. BEYOND will not open them in the Timeline editor. This operation only for a bulk import of shows * Export Show - Opens a dialog box to export the Show as sequence of frames in the LDS format (only for Beyond 2.0 и Beyond 3.0). * Media file list - Shows a list of files used by A/V Events of the Show. * Release media files - Each A/V Event has its own media player. This menu option Closes all open media players. This option is available in case you are actively working with the file in some sort of A/V editor. * Reopen media files - Opens/Reopens all A/V Files used in the Show. * Show Security - assigns security settings for a Show. This operation does not modify the Images used in the Show; it only sets a security setting for the Show object. * Show password - sets a file-open password. BEYOND allows you to set a password for opening the file, similarly to a secured ZIP file. This is not the same as Security settings. It is much easier. LivePRO has such an option for opening a Workspace. BEYOND has this option for Workspace and Shows. * Save as secured to serial - Defines a security rule and then applies that rule to all the Images used within the Show. After you save the Show to a file and restore the show to its original state in memory. * Show properties - calls a Show properties dialog box. * Close Show tab - close the current Show tab. This command is available in the context menu of the Show tab. * Close all tabs - closes all Shows opened in the Timeline editor. ===== Edit ===== * Undo - undoes the last operation. * Clear Undo buffer - clears the data saved into the undo buffer. As a rule, you do not need it. * Copy Content - copies the contents of the current selected Event. * Paste Content - pastes copied content into the current selected Event. * Select all Events - selects all Events on the Show timeline. * Unselect all Events - unselects all the Events on the Show timeline. * Select Events before cursor position - selects all Events located on the timeline before the current cursor position. * Select Events after cursor position - selects all Events located on the timeline after the current cursor position. * Select all Events in current Track - selects all Events in the current selected Timeline Track. * Select all Events in current Line - selects all Events in the current Line. * Select all Events inside User time - selects all Events inside the defined User time. * Invert selection - makes all selected Events unselected and selects the Events that were unselected. * Split - splits the event into two parts at the point where the event is crossed by the Cursor position. This Operation is still in a sort of test mode and may not work for some Event types. * Delete Event - deletes the current selected Events. * Convert to local cue - copies the referenced Cue from Workspace or Cue List directly into an Event. * Operation works with all selected Events. * Shift selected Events - moves the selected events to the left or to the right. * Mute selected events - mutes the selected events. The same operation can be applied from the Event tab. * Un-mute selected events - un-mutes the selected events. * Un-mute all tracks - un-mutes all tracks. As a rule such operation helps to restore an “all on” state quickly. * Lock selected events - Locks the position of all selected Events. Locked events cannot change position on the timeline. * Unlock selected events - un-Locks the position of all selected Events. * Auto disable “Draw Event” tool - when this option is enabled, drawing an Event on the timeline will be completed using the default Select mode. Disable Mouse Wheel - disables BEYOND’s reaction to mouse wheel commands. Sometimes Apple Magic Mouse sends more commands than it should. * Drag cursor - moves the current cursor position during Event editing operations. ===== View ===== * BEYOND Universe - shows the BEYOND Universe window. * Show Enhanced Reality Preview - shows the ERP window. * Enable visualization via external software - enable/disables data streaming to external lighting visualization software. * Simple overlay preview - paints all tracks in one preview panel, this is the simplest mode, but it uses the video from A/V tracks as a background. * Advanced overlay preview - LD2000 style preview, that uses the defined Projection Zones settings. * Track preview - previews each track separately. * Zone preview - previews each Projection Zone separately. * Projector preview - previews each Projector separately. * Mask preview - previews the active tracks and created masks. Useful for monitoring of the mask creation process * Show DMX/ArtNet/Channels monitor - show/hides the monitor panel at bottom of the Timeline. * Zoom to Event - sets the view area according to an Event duration. Good for Key effect editing. * Zoom In - zooms in on the timeline view area. * Zoom Out - zoom out from the timeline view area. * Zoom to User Time - sets view area according to the User Time duration. Good for Key effect editing. * Grid the Tracks - paints a vertical time-grid into track lines. * Grid the Spacers - paints a vertical time-grid into track-separator lines. * Dynamic expand - dynamically increases the height of a current Effect line. ===== Track ===== * Add Laser track - Adds a new Laser track, at the bottom of the timeline. * Add A/V Media track - Adds a new AV Track, track will appear above the top most Laser Track of the timeline. * Duplicate track - duplicates the current track with all events. * Rename track - renames the selected track. Track name will be used in the track caption area. * Track border color - Sets the track and border color. * Colorize tracks - randomly colorizes the tracks. * Copy track - copies the selected track to the clipboard. * Paste Track - pastes a track from the clipboard. * Delete track - deletes the currently selected track. * Move track up - changes the track order, moves selected track up. * Move track down - changes the track order, moves selected down. * Track properties - opens the selected Track’s properties dialog box. ===== Tools ===== * Preview - shows timeline preview panel. This Command is equal to the corresponding button on the main toolbar. * Video window - shows Video window. This Command is equal to the corresponding button on the main toolbar. * Audio scroll - enables audio scroll which allows the timeline audio file to play while the cursor is moved along the timeline. This Command is equal to the corresponding button on the main toolbar. * Enable Timecode In - enables incoming timecode reaction for Timeline show. When timecode comes in, the show will start the timeline playback based on the defined Timecode properties. * Snap Events to Events - Selected Event snaps to other Event bounds during a resize or move of the Event. (one Event snaps to the other Event’s boundary). * Snap Events to Time Markers - Selected Event snaps to Time markers during a resize or move of the Event. * Snap Events to Time ruler - Strong - snaps the Event boundary to a division of the time ruler, without referencing the cursor position. * Snap Events to Time ruler - Medium - snaps the Event boundary to a division of the time ruler only if the cursor is near to the desired time division. * Snap Events to Time ruler - off - does not snap and Event Boundary to time division of time ruler. Allows for precision placement of Event boundary. * Move cursor to the previous edit point - moves the cursor to the left to the nearest Event boundary or a Key of a Key effect. * Move cursor to the next edit point - moves the cursor to the right to the nearest Event boundary or a Key of a Key effect. * Move cursor to the nearest edit point - moves the cursor to the nearest Event boundary or a Key of a Key effect at left or at right. * Move within current line only - moves the cursor to the nearest Event boundary or a Key of Key effect at left or at right. * Next Event - Selects the next event on the timeline. * Previous Event - Selects the previous event on the timeline. * Collapse all tracks - collapses all tracks. * Expand all tracks - Expands all tracks. ===== Effect ===== * Add Effect line - adds a new Effect line to the current Track. * Copy effect line - copies the current effect line to the clipboard. * Paste Effect line - pastes the effect line from clipboard to the current Track. * Delete Effect line - deletes the current Effect Line. * Delete unused effect lines - deletes all effect lines in the Show that does not hold any Events. We recommend doing this at the end of the Show creation process. * Delete unused key effects - deletes empty key effect lines. We recommend doing this at the end of the Show creation process. * Move Effect line up - moves the currently selected Effect line up. It will change the order of the line of the track (not the line of effect). * Move Effect line down - moves the currently selected Effect line down. It will change the order of the line of the track (not the line of effect). * Transform Event FX into local Effects - this is an operation for a whole timeline Show. Use of an FX in the timeline is currently is not recommended. This command does the transformation for you automatically. ===== Marking ===== * Set user time begin - sets the beginning of the time area selection. * Set user time end - sets the ending of the time area selection. * Set user time to current event - sets the time selection according to Event duration. * Clear user time - clears the selection. * Add Time Marker - adds a time marker at the current cursor position. * Add Time Marker to current event - adds a time marker at the beginning and ending of the current Event. * Add Time Markers inside user time by BPM - adds multiple time markers inside the User time. Note… the number of markers is limited. * Delete all Time Markers - deletes all time markers. * Delete selected Time Markers - deletes all selected time markers. * Delete Time Markers inside user time - deletes all time markers that are inside of the user time. ===== Settings ===== Menu Setting options duplicate the commands from the corresponding menu in the Grid mode. Please check this corresponding chapter. ===== Run ===== * Play/Pause - starts or stops the timeline Show playback. * Play from start - starts playback of the Show from the beginning of the show. * Stop - stops Show playback. * Restore position at Stop - on/off option. When this option is enabled and playback of the show is stopped, the timeline cursor will return back to the start of the timeline show. Otherwise the cursor will stay at the moment when the show playback was stopped. * Enable PangoScript execution - on/off option. Allows execution of PangoScript items located inside Events.