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PangoBeats Documentation

PangoBeats Latest Version: 1.0.0 (Build 26) - Updated on 05/22/2024

(In-app update also available)


PangoBeats is a stand-alone cutting-edge Windows application designed to enhance the audio experience by providing real-time Beats Per Minute (BPM) detection. It seamlessly integrates with BEYOND/QuickShow software, offering users the capability to synchronize their audio with visual performances. PangoBeats stands out with its user-friendly interface and powerful audio processing features, making it an indispensable tool for DJs, musicians, and live performers.

PangoBeats requires at least Windows 10 64-bit to function.


PangoBeats comes packed with an array of features tailored to enrich your audio-visual projects:

Interactive Elements

PangoBeats is designed with interactivity in mind, offering hints and actions to enhance user engagement:

Quick Demo

Here's a quick start guide to using PangoBeats with the help of screenshots:


The PangoBeats documentation is a living document and will be updated regularly to reflect new features, improvements, and tips for using the application. Make sure to check back often to stay informed about the latest updates and get the most out of PangoBeats.

Intellectual Property Notice and Credits

PangoBeats is a product of Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc.

The PangoBeats software was developed by Suhas Holla Karkada Chandrashekar, and William R. Benner, Jr.

Open Source Software Used

PangoBeats utilizes open-source software components under various licenses. Below are the details of these components:


  1. Description: Python is an interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose programming language that emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace.
  2. License: Python Software Foundation License (PSFL)
  3. Usage: Used as the primary programming language for developing PangoBeats.
  4. Website:
  5. License Details: Python License


  1. Description: PyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, a cross-platform audio I/O library, allowing easy access to audio streams.
  2. License: MIT License
  3. Usage: Used for handling real-time audio stream input and output within PangoBeats.
  4. Website: PyAudio
  5. License Details: MIT License


  1. Description: Aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals. Its features include pitch detection, beat tracking, onset detection, and more.
  2. License: GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0)
  3. Usage: Utilized for audio analysis tasks such as tempo detection and beat tracking in PangoBeats.
  4. Website: Aubio
  5. License Details: GPL-3.0 License

License Compliance

Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc. is committed to respecting intellectual property rights and adheres to the licensing agreements of all software components used in its products. This includes complying with open-source licenses by providing acknowledgment, usage descriptions, and ensuring that any modifications to open-source software are available under the same terms as prescribed by the licenses.

For detailed information or requests related to our software's open-source components and their usage, please contact