Fulltext results:
- PangoBeats Documentation @pangobeat
- ck of the audio track being analyzed. ===== Interactive Elements ===== PangoBeats is designed with intera
- FB3-QS @hardware
- t offline | |Red Slow Flash |Online, but output inactive (dummy stream, no cue active) | |Red Fast Flash |Online and output active (at least one cue active) | |Yellow Slow Flash |Online but output disabled (either invalid license, count
- MOBOLASER®: A Cross-Platform Companion App for Laser Show Software @mobolaser
- - | x | Utilize device sensors for interactive laser effects. [[mobolaser:manual#sensors|More]]|... ers Info]] | - | x | Manage and view active FB4 controllers. [[mobolaser:manual#fb4_controlle... – viewing and triggering cues ===== {{:mobolaser:activecue.png?400|}} The largest part of the applicatio
- Lasershow Converter Blender @tools:lcblender
- nder5.png?400|}} ==== Settings ==== * **Interactive Rendering** – Allows Lasershow Converter Blender ... completed. (This can be annoying if you have Interactive Rendering enabled...) * **Send Frames to BEYO... ng to a single 2D layer. There is always only one active layer in the list (the selected one). Custom sett
- BEYOND and the X-Box Kinect 360 @beyond
- ation allows you to create a wide variety of interactive laser effects. ===== Setting up the X-Box Kinect... e recognized by the Kinect) than the value of the active property is zero. If the point is visible, than the value of the active property is one. ===== What to expect from this... allow you to increase the amplitude. Open “Hide Inactive” - And select “yes”, and it will hide the Synth i
- Advanced Frame Editor @beyond
- is is a parameter enabled when corresponding tool active| |{{:beyond:frametoolbar11.png?nolink|}}|Frame An
- SMS to Laser in BEYOND @beyond
- SMS to Laser we recommend using the Pangolin Interactive Messaging Unlimited software (IMU). The IMU softw... w” enables laser output from the SMS tab and also actively displays the SMS messages. When a message appea
- QuickTimeline @quickshow
- the Show it now button. If the Play button is not active, you could scroll around on the timeline and outp... cular time slider position. If the Play button is active, the show will play to the laser. ===== Saving t
- Cue Groups @quickshow
- rtain types or with certain properties eg. Beat Reactive Cues, Time Based Cues, or types eg. Liquid Skies,
- Cue Groups @beyond
- rtain types or with certain properties eg. Beat Reactive Cues, Time Based Cues, or types eg. Liquid Skies,
- Grid Toolbar @beyond
- he cue. In **Flash** mode, cues will only remain active for the period of time you are clicking on them (... lbar6.png?nolink|}} **Back** stops the currently active cue and starts the previously active cue. **Swap** toggles between the current cue and the previously active cue. ===== Virtual Laser Jockey button ===== {{
- Toolbar @quickshow
- e **Flash** mode is chosen, cues will only remain active for the period of time you are clicking on them (... rtain types or with certain properties eg. Beat Reactive Cues, Time Based Cues, or types eg. Liquid Skies,
- Node Image @beyond
- its device sensors as input for creation of interactive applications. **Base logic**: These contain LFO,
- Timeline marker import, export @beyond
- will be placed on the timeline that is currently active. After starting the import,the Raw data tab wi... . BEYOND will also adjust the viewing area of the active timeline to display all marks. Note that a mark