Fulltext results:
- Advanced Tools overview
- ====== Advanced Tools overview ====== In addition to the QuickTools, which allow you to create content extr... s a full featured **Laser Frame/Animation editor, Advanced Text editor, Advanced Shape editor, Parametric-image editor and Advanced Clock editor.** These advanced tools can be accessed by
- Advanced Shape editor
- ====== Advanced Shape editor ====== In addition to the [[quickshow:quickshape|QuickShape]] feature, QuickShow also includes a full-featured Advanced Shape editor. The main window of the Advanced Shape editor is shown below, along with a view of the main controls. {{:quickshow:advanced-shape-editor-q5.5-1.png?direct&600|}} **QuickS
- Lasershow Designer QuickShow Manual
- uickFX]] * [[quickshow:qshift|Q-Shift]] ===== Advanced Tools ===== * [[quickshow:Overview-advancedtools|Overview]] * [[quickshow:Cue Properties|Cue Properti... overview|Effect Editor overview]] * [[quickshow:Advanced Text Editor|Advanced Text Editor]] * [[quickshow:Advanced Shape (abstract) editor|Advanced Shape editor]
- Advanced Text editor
- ====== Advanced Text editor ====== In addition to the [[quickshow:quicktext|QuickText]] feature, QuickShow also includes and Advanced Text editor capable of doing far more intricate work. The main window of the Advanced Text editor is shown below, along with an explanation of the main controls. {{:quickshow:advancedtext1_4_0.png|}} ===== Applying effects to the
- Projection Zones
- = Projection Zones ====== **(only recommended for Advanced users)** QuickShow includes Pangolin's exclusive... Correction, Preview, Beam Attenuation Map** or **Advanced** tab. ===== Projection zone name ===== The are... a. {{:quickshow:qs_bam_targets.jpg?400|}} ===== Advanced Scanning Parameters section ===== The next section shows the **Advanced Scanning Parameters** for the selected zone, and
- Advanced Clock editor
- ====== Advanced Clock editor ====== To round out the set of advanced features, QuickShow also includes an **Advanced Clock editor** which can be used to create analog or digita... or vertical orientation. The main window of the **Advanced Clock editor** is shown below, along with a view
- QuickShow Tutorial Videos
- tion]] * [[quickshow:video:quickshow quickhints Advanced Text Editor|How to Use the Advanced Text Editor]] * [[quickshow:video:quickshow quickhints Advanced Shape Editor|How to Use the Advanced Shape Editor]] * [[quickshow:video:quickshow quickhints Parametric I
- Files and File Extensions
- kshow:quicktext|QuickText]] feature, or using the Advanced Text editor. Text files can be saved and loaded a... t any time using the File menu in the [[quickshow:advanced_text_editor|Advanced Text editor]]. ===== QuickShow Frame/Animation - .qsbframes ===== Frame files contai... nt-by-point manor as with ILDA files. Instead, an advanced coding method is used resulting in the smallest f
- Settings menu
- itions. Other settings menus allow access to more advanced features and options. You can see the menu below,... iple projectors. Projection Zones is generally an advanced menu and we would not recommend that beginners or... === Other menus ===== There are also other, more advanced menu items which are not currently described in this help file. Advanced users who are familiar with laser software will c
- Cue properties
- e scan rate of the cue, as well as accessing more advanced optimization settings. Most users can simply leav... indow. ---- See Also * [[quickshow:overview-advancedtools|Advanced Tools overview]] * [[quickshow:laser_preview_window|Laser Preview window]] * [[quickshow:
- Quick Setup
- a beginner and you tell QuickShow that you are an advanced user, you might get confused by the advanced tools seen at the Advanced level. {{:quickshow:quicksetup2.jpg|}} ===== Step 2: Indicate the type of scan
- Latest Features
- umentation. * Updated document: **[[quickshow:advanced_shape_abstract_editor|Advanced shape editor]]** ===== Release 5.2 ===== QuickShow 5.2 Has some additional
- Laser Frame/Animation editor
- ditor. ---- See Also * [[quickshow:overview-advancedtools|Advanced Tools overview]] [[quickshow:|Return to index]]
- How to Use the Advanced Clock Editor @quickshow:video
- ====== How to Use the Advanced Clock Editor ====== <html> <iframe width="750" height="400" src="https://www... ption:** This video shows the basic setup of the advanced clock editor. How to switch from anaolog to digit
- How to Use the Advanced Shape Editor @quickshow:video
- ====== How to Use the Advanced Shape Editor ====== <html> <iframe width="750" height="400" src="https://www... escription:** This video shows the basics of the advanced shape editor, how to make pointed line shapes, ch