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- BEYOND and the X-Box Kinect 360
- able to record values of inputs, and use it as a base frame. Inside of the top most panel, specify what... hat follows your hand, you can use the Kinect for base motion, and another Y position for an FFT effect
- How to use the FiFO Image Editor in BEYOND @beyond:video
- which provides more extended functionalities. The base element is FIFO. FIFO (which means first in, firs
- Advanced Frame Editor
- Hold the CTRL key to add a point instead of curve base; this allows you to add a sharp corner| |{{:beyon... erates with 3rd degree curves. Click to add a new base point to a polygon. Important: after your mouse click that adds the base point, do not release the mouse button, instead -... nes the relation between the handles of the curve base point. ===== Frame list ===== {{:beyond:frameto
- Advanced Shape (abstract) editor
- the easy concepts of QuickShape. You just pick a base shape, and then add Oscillators, Modulators, and Effects to the base shape to create outstanding abstracts. On the s
- Art-net DMX and sACN
- input number you would like to listen to, and its Base address, you can do this for as many zones as you
- TV Mode
- per frame, and even if we display same frame, the base sample rate may be different because your project
- Cue Groups
- One Cue Per” mode of QS, but based on the LivePRO base element of a Track (Cue Player). In 2017, **BEY
- Node Image
- nput for creation of interactive applications. **Base logic**: These contain LFO, nodes for multiplicat
- FIFO image
- hich provides more extended functionalities. The base element is FIFO. FIFO (which means first in, firs