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- Editing controls: Object Point Spacing
- **AutoBlank Points at round overlaps** is used to keep the beam going, but to blank the beam. The result... beginning and ending points needed. This can also keep objects looking good as they zoom out since it au... there are different rules that can be applied to keep the laser path optimized: * **Keep path consistent** Uses generic rules to try to keep the beam path
- Editing controls: Object Filter Settings
- hat Lasershow Converter FLASH will jump to try to keep the beam on. Increasing this number allows the la
- Render Settings: Point spacing
- **AutoBlank Points at round overlaps** is used to keep the beam going, but to blank the beam. The result... beginning and ending points needed. This can also keep objects looking good as they zoom out since it au... there are different rules that can be applied to keep the laser path optimized: - **Keep path consistent** Uses generic rules to try to keep the beam path
- Render Settings: Filter Settings
- FLASH will jump a 1.5 beam-diameter gap to try to keep the beam on. ===== Angle filter ===== Removes r
- Render Settings: Ultra-smooth rendering
- ations ===== There are a few important things to keep in mind when using Ultra-smooth refresh-based ren