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- Editing controls: Objects Library
- ====== Editing controls: Objects Library ====== The Objects Library is found on the [[tools:lcflash:editing_controls_overview|Editing Co... preview|Laser Preview window]]. {{:tools:lcflash:objectlibrarypanel.gif?nolink|img}} The Object Library has two purposes. First, it allows you to select and pre
- Editing controls: Object Point Spacing
- ====== Editing controls: Object Point Spacing ====== The Object point spacing panel allows you to control the point placement used for the [[tools:lcflash:objects_library#selecting_objects|selected objects]]. Although the [[tools:lcflash:default|default]] values (sho
- Render Settings: Point spacing
- hese point placement settings will be used by all objects in the scene, unless an object has specifically overridden the default settings with Object Filter Settings. Although the [[tools:lcflash:def... second. If you do not change any of the numbers, objects will use the default values. For more informatio
- Editing controls: Object Line-type and Color
- ====== Editing controls: Object Line-type and Color ====== The Object line type and color panel allows you to control the main aspects o... cified in this panel apply to the [[tools:lcflash:objects_library#selecting_objects|Selected Objects]]. {{:tools:lcflash:linetypeandcolorpanel.gif?nolink|}} ===
- Edit menu
- The Edit menu allows you to select and deselect objects. Once objects are selected, they can be operated on using the [[tools:lcflash:Objects Library|Objects Library]], or [[tools:lcflash:object_line_type_and_color|Object Line type]], color, [[to
- LC Flash
- n]] * [[tools:lcflash:tutorial#step_4select_an_object|Step 4: Select an object]] * [[tools:lcflash:tutorial#step_5expand_the_objects_library|Step 5: Expanding the Object Library panel]] * [[tools:lcflash:tutorial#step_6change_the_colo
- Editing controls: Object Filter Settings
- ====== Editing controls: Object Filter Settings ====== The Object Filter settings panel allows you to control the filter settings used for the [[tools:lcflash:objects_library#selecting_objects|selected objects]]. Filter settings can be used to fine-tune the rendering pro
- Whats new
- rnal changes related to how the program looks for objects within a FLASH file. The change should improve L... dded the ability to find the first frame where an object is used. To do this, simply right-click on an object in the object list, and choose "Find first frame of object use". Changed object list so that objects tha
- Tutorial
- ash:image3.gif?nolink|}} ===== Step 4: Select an object ===== Click on an object in the window. This will select the object in preparation for editing. When an object is selected, it becomes brighter than the other objects. {{:t
- Editing controls: Overview
- laser preview|Laser Preview]] * [[tools:lcflash:objects_library|Objects Library]] * [[tools:lcflash:object_line_type_and_color|Object line-type and color]] * [[tools:lcflash:object_filter_settings|Object filte
- Render Settings: Filter Settings
- mation. These filter settings will be used by all objects in the scene, unless an object has specifically overridden the default settings with [[tools:lcflash:object_filter_settings|Object Filter Settings]]. {{:tools:lcflash:rendersettingsfilter.gif?nolink|}} ===== Gap
- Viewport
- r points. The Viewport also allows you to select objects. As you move the mouse in the Viewport, you will... r pointer on (or near) a line, it will select the object associated with that line. The selected object is shown in the [[tools:lcflash:Objects Library|Objects Library Preview]] window. ===== See Also =====
- View menu
- _with_showpoints.gif?nolink|}} ===== Show hidden objects ===== When the Show hidden objects menu is checked, all objects will be visible in the viewport, including those objects which are made "invisible" by the Object Line Ty
- Questions and Answers
- ds on the source material. If your scene has many objects that are visible at the same time, Lasershow Con... ting the SWF file in Adobe FLASH, or by selecting objects that are not 100% necessary to the scene and dis... he "Transparent" check box in the [[tools:lcflash:object_line_type_and_color|Object Line Types and Color panel]]. ===== Can I return to the default values? =====
- Render Settings: Laser Output
- he first point in the frame. ===== Convert black objects to (color) ===== Allows you to select the color that will be used for Black objects. If you click on the colored block, you will be ... to specify a different color. ===== Combine all objects ===== This is used rarely. If the FLASH file has more than 1000 objects, Lasershow Converter FLASH may not be able to pr