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- QuickShape @beyond
- a continuous line, adjust the size and number of points in the image, pick a color and an effect and then... . **Choosing a continuous line or shape made of points (beams)** The shape can be made of a continuous line, or made of points. When the shape is made of points, this is particularly handy for Beam shows. **Increasing or decreasing
- Beam Analyzer (LBA-C-100) @accessories
- ime.**__ Create a beam pattern, with around 1000 points (~30FPS), or the maximum point number you can if ... eam 100% On. There are often a few anchor / black points. This causes flickering on the sensor. To prevent... g the Image Stabilizer, or set a higher number of points in your laser frame. | | The divergence on white
- Networking for Lasershows, BEYOND, and Entertainment @beyond
- ases, if you had 60kpps scanners, frames with 200 points, you are talking 300 frames a second! Multiply th
- MOBOLASER®: A Cross-Platform Companion App for Laser Show Software @mobolaser
- the Mesh tab allows you to manipulate individual points within a grid overlay. This is ideal for freeform
- Lasershow Converter Blender @tools:lcblender
- e created with perfect placement. * **Minimum Points in Laser frames** - This sets the minimum number of laser points rendered in each frame. * **Open Preview Wind... tion such as the Z-axis coordinates and number of points in the frame. ==== Blender Output and Laser Outp... ion, such as Z-axis coordinates and the number of points, at the bottom of this window * **Save Render
- Latest Features @beyond
- a similar way will also be able to import like Cuepoints for example. * **[[beyond:timeline|Timeline Qu... ding soft line endings for corner vectors and end points and Beam Brush/ Depth Cue features to change Beam
- The Configuration Dialog Box @beyond
- t using the LD2000 software. **QM2000 Min number points** - This defines the minimum number of points for LivePRO styles. **IMPORTANT: Do not set a small number points. It will not make the system more effective.** In... e update takes the time independently of how many points it calculates. As such, we recommended a minimum
- BEYOND and the X-Box Kinect 360 @beyond
- {:beyond:xbox-kinect2.png?nolink|}} There are 20 points in the skeleton. Each point has X, Y, Z coordinat... each of these objects, you can also access all 20 points, within the specified skeleton. - Effects, LD2... time. In addition to time, you can use the twenty points of the skeleton. Click on “Input”, select Kinect, and choose the points you want. If you want to use the position, then y
- Lasershow Designer BEYOND Manual @beyond
- Window|Universe Window]] * [[beyond:Vectors and Points|Vectors and Points]] * [[beyond:Webcam Interface|Webcam Interface]] * [[beyond:How to Bypass specific
- Advanced Frame Editor @beyond
- tor”. BEYOND turns on special processing for such points. The next addition is a curve. There are two ty... editor has two sets of drawing tools oriented on points and vector/curves. We added a new color option. ... all related options. The rendered frame has only points and vectors, no curves or complex options. This ... Edit ==== * Undo - undoes last operation. ==== Points ==== * Quick Center - moves the selected points
- How to use the Timeline Marker Import, Track Search, and Big Timecode Window @beyond:video
- dustry standard software including Reaper and cue points. Timeline Track search: you can now search your
- Creating a city with animation @beyond
- png?nolink|}} | ==== Step 3 ==== Click on the “Points mode” button and drag/select the middle points of the object one by one and drag them. **Attention you m... ink|}} If your moving out the blue interpolation points too far you get a movement that first go’s furthe
- Q-Shift @beyond
- hen for B. This will be your "start" and "finish" points for the effect. You can utilize as many or as lit... ys or the animation between your start and finish points are edited within the "Pad Properties" window. An
- Art-net DMX and sACN @beyond
- ruption of output. As well you can see some data points related to Art-Net, such as Packets, loops and yo
- TV Mode @beyond
- Usually, each laser frame has its own number of points. Content creators tend to minimize the number of points to decrease the flicker. That is why in animations the number of points per frame changes a lot. The other aspect is samp... ners), 40K, 60K, etc. The number defines how many points per second laser controller output. Of course, if