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- Advanced Frame Editor @beyond
- n editor, but is better balanced logically. Laser frames have many things in common WAV audio files. The f... LD2000 we have point oriented and vector oriented frames. In BEYOND we have “mixed” frames where vector and point data are present together within one frame. You ... ee any more “vector oriented” or “point oriented” frames. You can easily use them both together. Technical
- The Configuration Dialog Box @beyond
- style** - With this model, BEYOND calculates new frames, but updates them only if they are changed. This ... settings (master, size, and position). **Leave frames in QM2000 memory after Disabling Laser Output** - BEYOND uses the last frames of the QM2000 for output. By default, BEYOND will clear these frames. If you use this option, BEYOND will not clear th
- Networking for Lasershows, BEYOND, and Entertainment @beyond
- ng. In extreme cases, if you had 60kpps scanners, frames with 200 points, you are talking 300 frames a second! Multiply that by tens of lasers all needing to be p... calculates every lasers next frame, caches these frames, and when they are all finished they are given a ... wed down immensely, causing tons of rebroadcasted frames, and frames will “miss” their “display time” and
- Lasershow Converter Blender @tools:lcblender
- the add-on. * **Include Z-axis data in Laser frames** - Includes the Z-axis data in the laser frame, ... ally handy when making old-school wireframe laser frames. * **Z Center automatically** - the plugin au... erfect placement. * **Minimum Points in Laser frames** - This sets the minimum number of laser points ... a preview window, which shows the rendered laser frames and may also show additional information such as
- Latest Features @quickshow
- modes including Autoplay/Scheduler, DMX and Test frames. QuickShow also offers FB4 file viewer for checki... dded the ability to export any cue to a series of frames. The exported frames can be used in other Pangolin products such as LD2000, LivePRO or LiveQUICK. * Ad
- BEYOND Tutorial Videos @beyond
- YOND software]] * [[beyond:video:How to use the Frames Simple Editor inside of BEYOND software|How to use the Frames Simple Editor inside of BEYOND software]] * [[b
- Latest Features @beyond
- modes including Autoplay/Scheduler, DMX and Test Frames. BEYOND also offers a FB4 file viewer for preview
- BEYOND and the X-Box Kinect 360 @beyond
- ied skeleton. - Effects, LD2000-style abstract frames, and all places that use the concept of “input”.