Fulltext results:
- Tips: Scan speeds and Lasershow Converter FLASH
- is used when tuning. **It does not mean that all frames must be shown at 30,000 pts/sec.** Now, some peop... ther tuning/projection speeds ===== You may have frames or shows which require a different tuning or proj... u can adjust for this: - **Create 30K LC FLASH frames and adjust their speed**. Let's say you have a lot of frames created to look good at 18,000 pts/sec when seen
- Render Settings: Ultra-smooth rendering
- ms produces animations based on a fixed number of frames per second. While this works wonderfully for web ... .gif?nolink|IMG}} ===== Timing factors for laser frames ===== Since laser projectors are based on mechan... ly high number, and also ensure that none of your frames exceed that number of points, each frame that Las... lgorithm that does not generate a fixed number of frames per second. Instead, it generates a variable numb
- Render Settings: Laser Output
- allows you to control basic aspects of the laser frames generated by Lasershow Converter FLASH. {{:tools... can be used in LD2000 and Showtime to search for frames. When frames are created, the FLASH frame number will be appended to this text. In the example above, th... ll be used when Lasershow Converter FLASH renders frames. If this is set to 1001, then FLASH frame 1 will
- Settings menu
- ng]] used when rendering animations. ===== Write frames into QM2000 board ===== If this is selected, the rendered frames will be written to the QM2000 board after the fil... ** buttons. If this is not selected, the rendered frames will not be written to the QM2000 board. If the ... , and then press the Re-render button to send the frames to the QM2000 board. ===== Show output on laser
- Render controls
- to render only the current frame, only a block of frames, or the entire scene. Rendering is initiated by p... sh:rendercontrol-2.gif?100&nolink|}} | Render all frames | **Renders all frames** in the FLASH file. | | {{:tools:lcflash:rendercontrol-3.gif?100&nolink|}} | Render block of frames | **Renders the block of frames** specified in th
- SWF File Requirements
- s means that the main timeline FLASH must contain frames -- and moreover -- it must contain the required number of frames to accomplish the animation. For example -- a FLA... hat lasts for 5 seconds, using a frame rate of 25 frames per second, must contain 25 * 5 = 125 frames defined on the main timeline. If "Action Scripts" are used,
- Tutorial
- e file to its internal format, and creating laser frames. {{:tools:lcflash:image2.gif?nolink|}} ===== St... :image8.gif?nolink|}} ===== Step 9: Export laser frames ===== You can export the resulting laser animatio... at it is not completely necessary to export laser frames since they are already rendered and sitting in QM
- Toolbar buttons
- :lcflash:toolbar-9.gif?100&nolink|}} | Render all frames | **Renders only the current frame** that is sele... sh:toolbar-10.gif?200&nolink|}} | Render block of frames | **Renders the block of frames** specified in the From and To text boxes. | ===== See Also ===== * [
- LC Flash
- * [[tools:lcflash:tutorial#step_9export_laser_frames|Step 9: Export laser frames]] * [[tools:lcflash:tutorial#step_10save_the_lcf_file|Step 10: Save the LC
- Editing controls: Information panel
- aded including the filename, file size, number of frames and frames per second. ===== See Also ===== * [[tools:lcflash:editing_controls_overview|Editing Contr
- Edit menu
- bjects ===== This will select all objects in all frames of the scene. ===== Select all objects in curren... all ===== This will deselect all objects in all frames. You may also deselect all objects by clicking th
- Editing controls: Object Line-type and Color
- H content is interpreted and converted into laser frames. Note that the settings specified in this panel a
- Editing controls: Objects Library
- the changes to take place in the resulting laser frames. ===== See Also ===== * [[tools:lcflash:viewp
- Editing controls: Laser Preview window
- er Preview window allows you to preview the laser frames, and also provides additional information. {{:to
- Tips: Point spacing for lines
- the scanner’s bandwidth. It also results in laser frames with the least number of points. {{:tools:lcflas