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- Tips: Scan speeds and Lasershow Converter FLASH
- when the ILDA Test Pattern is displayed at 30,000 points per second: | {{:tools:lcflash:scanspeed1.jpg?no... Now, some people may adopt a scan speed of 30,000 points per second. In fact, this is Pangolin's suggestio... ere are two cases: You tune and project at 30,000 points per second, or you prefer other speeds for tuning... scanners, AND that images be projected at 30,000 points per second. Lasershow Converter FLASH's [[tools:
- Editing controls: Object Point Spacing
- object. ===== About point spacing ===== The way points are placed in lines depends on whether the object... square, lines will always start with **AutoBlank Points at line endings**, followed by **AutoAnchor Points**. * If the object is round, a special point placeme... e beam starts and ends. In this case, **AutoBlank Points at round overlaps** is used to get the beam going
- Editing controls: Object Filter Settings
- , Lasershow Converter FLASH will not generate any points on the laser display if a line is less than 3.0 b
- Render Settings: Point spacing
- d, when running at a point output speed of 30,000 points per second. If you do not change any of the numbe... SH]]. ====== About point spacing ====== The way points are placed in lines depends on whether the object... square, lines will always start with **AutoBlank Points at line endings**, followed by **AutoAnchor Points**. - If the object is round, a special point placeme
- Render Settings: Filter Settings
- ===== Angle filter ===== Removes redundant data points from curves in the FLASH file. The number specified is the angle between points (specified in degrees). If this is increased, it will remove more points from the FLASH file and allow faster rendering ti
- Render Settings: Ultra-smooth rendering
- ously variable. It depends on the sample rate (in points per second) and the number of points in each frame, among other factors. Because of this, if you playback... e. The reason is that unless you set the Minimum Points setting to a fairly high number, and also ensure that none of your frames exceed that number of points, each frame that Lasershow Converter FLASH create
- Render Settings: Laser Output
- be rendered into frame 1002, etc. ===== Minimum Points ===== This sets the minimum number of laser points rendered in each frame. This could be handy for keepi... frame rate consistent. For example, if **Minimum points** was set to 1000 points, you would always get a maximum of 30 frames per second if the sample rate (poin
- Questions and Answers
- crease this value, it will decrease the number of points in rounded sections that LCFlash has to deal with... I be worried about the laser image having so many points it flickers? ===== This depends on the source m... ime, Lasershow Converter FLASH may render lots of points on the laser. If this happens, you may be able to
- Tips: Point spacing for lines
- results in laser frames with the least number of points. {{:tools:lcflash:tips:pointspacing-1.gif?nolink... t value of 300. This ensures there will be enough points placed for small details and to avoid rounding in... cflash:default|default]] setting for **AutoAnchor Points** (shown below) has **Accelerate/Decelerate** ena... n and out of lines. It also reduces the number of points that you need to use at the beginning and ending
- Viewport
- ncluding the Selected frame, number of FLASH data points, and number of output laser points. The Viewport also allows you to select objects. As you move the mous
- View menu
- flash:viewport|Viewport]]. ===== Show FLASH data points ===== When the Show FLASH data points menu is checked, Lasershow Converter FLASH will show the raw data points that are detected in the SWF file. {{:tools:lcfl
- Toolbar buttons
- ash:toolbar-6.gif?100&nolink|}} | Show FLASH data points | **Enables raw data points in the FLASH file to be seen** in the Viewport. | | {{:tools:lcflash:toolbar-
- Introduction
- lor to make these lines. It also optimally places points for laser projectors. And it does all of this wit