Pangolin Family of websites
Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc.
Kvant Lasers
Unity Lasers
Pangolin Family of websites
Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc.
Kvant Lasers
Unity Lasers
BEYOND uses a variety of files. The file descriptions and extensions are listed below.
BEYOND Workspace - .BeyondWorkspace
The BEYOND Workspace file is a sort of “Master file” that contains all cue information, all Frames, all Shows, Text, Effects, and some configuration-related information.
BEYOND Cue - .bcue
Cue files contain information about a cue in the workspace. Cue files can be saved and loaded at any time using the File menu in the BEYOND.
BEYOND Effect - .beff
Effect files contain all information about a BEYOND Effect. Effect files can be saved and loaded at any time using the File menu in the BEYOND Effect editor. Note that BEYOND Effects are not compatible with any other program from Pangolin.
BEYOND Static Text - .bsti
Static text files contain information about non-moving text which can be created in BEYOND.
BEYOND Scrolling and Animated Text - .btxt
Text files contain all information about a Text effect used in BEYOND – whether the text is created using the QuickText feature, or using the Advanced Text editor. Text files can be saved and loaded at any time using the File menu in the Advanced Text editor.
BEYOND Frame/Animation - .bfrm
Frame files contain vector and raster related information to control the laser. The information is not stored in a point-by-point manor as with ILDA files. Instead, an advanced coding method is used resulting in the smallest files possible. Frame files can be saved and loaded at any time using the File menu in the BEYOND Frame/Animation editor.
BEYOND Shape/Abstract - .babs
Abstract files contain information about Shapes and Abstracts created using the QuickShape and Advanced Shape editors. Abstract files can be saved and loaded at any time using the File menu in the BEYOND Advance Shape editor.
BEYOND Timeline-based show - .bshw
Timeline-based show files contain information about cues and effects used on the timeline within BEYOND. Show files can be saved and loaded at any time using the File menu in the BEYOND Timeline editor.
BEYOND Synthesized Image - .bsyn
Synthesized Image files contain all information about a images created in the BEYOND Image Synthesizer. Synthesized Image files can be saved and loaded at any time using the File menu in the BEYOND Image Synthesizer editor.
BEYOND Clock - .bclk
Clock files contain all information about a BEYOND clock.
BEYOND Beam sequence - .bbem
Beam sequence files store the sequence and color of beams used in BEYOND.
BEYOND DMX sequence - .bdmx
DMX sequence files store a DMX sequence created in the QuickDMX section of BEYOND.
BEYOND FX - .bfx
FX files contain all information about a the QuickFX found in the lower portion of BEYOND. FX files can be saved and loaded at any time by right-clicking in the FX section of BEYOND.
BEYOND zones - .bzones
Projection Zone related information is stored into bzones files.
BEYOND data - .bdat
BEYOND stores other types of configuration data into bdat files.
BEYOND Beam List - .bbml
BEYOND stores the location and animation style of beam information into bbml files.