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Fifo image

FIFO Image is a signal recorder. This is the second iteration of a signal recorder. The first basic signal recorder exists in the Shape Editor.

FIFO Image is a dedicated solution, which provides more extended functionalities.

The base element is FIFO. FIFO (which means first in, first out) is a buffer which records the position of the cursor. (The recorded points form a laser frame).

Inside the FIFO editor you can use the mouse cursor to move recording cursor. However, recording of the cursor might be connected to BEYOND Inputs or controlled by means of Node Image.

FIFO parameters

Parameter Description
Count number of points saved in the FIFO (buffer)
Record interval time between storing cursor position into FIFO.
Break up distance between points after which the line will split. With a short distance between recorded points, you will have a solid line. If the distance is bigger than “break up” then you have separate lines.
Beam mode each recorded point will look like a single beam.

FIFO transform matrix

This part of processing has deeper implementation than the Shape.

There are 9 parameters which form the matrix applied to the recorded point. 3 Size, Position, and rotation. The position part will form the flow of the points to specified direction.

This is good for signal recorder, like a cardio monitor.

The rotation has roots in pottery art or pouring acrylics – when your canvas is rotating, and you drop a paint into one spot and rotation form a spiral or circle. The size may form zoom in or zoom out effect. Overall, this is a linear transformation of recorded points.

Cursor panel

There you can move cursor using a slider. However, the main purpose is providing UI for assign of Inputs, where you can assign cursor sliders to audio, MIDI, DMX, etc. This is classic use of Channels.

Morphing effect

This is another extension compared to the Shape editor. The Main idea is that the system takes the recorder points, apply an effect, and after that, morph between the original and transformed points using the rate of change (the waveform).

This will allow you to apply effects in the same way as with the effects tab. Like for example recolor some part of the FIFO image, move it, or spin, etc.

Please note that the “morph effect” does not modify the point of the FIFO image. Points stay as they are. The effect just adds an optional variation over the segments of the FIFO image.

Final effect

The final effect is a classic use of effects. Same as in any other Images of BEYOND, you may use colors, clones, or any other effects.

Similar to morph, the final effect does not modify the point of the FIFO image. Points stay as they are. It will apply the transformation of the frame and send it to the output.

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beyond/fifo-image.1701338538.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/30 11:02 by Bob Varkevisser