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Custom DMX Profiles

Custom DMX Profiles is a new functionary for BEYOND DMX Server Mode that allows users to create custom arrangements of DMX channels in custom profiles. It also allows you to bake effects into the profiles, allowing users to use the BEYOND effects engine within a DMX Profile. This allows users to determine how detailed or complex of a DMX profile they want or need from their lasers, giving the power to decide into the users' hands.

The Custom DMX Profiles are a collection of many functionalities of BEYOND, and uses some of the following features to create the Custom funcationality in this UI

Custom DMX Profile Editor

To use Custom DMX Profiles, first go to Projection zones, Advanced tab, and go to DMX server, you will see the option for “Custom Profile”. This will select custom profiles, to the right you will be able to select which custom profile you would like to use, or click edit profiles to edit your Custom DMX Profiles.

Custom DMX Profile List

The Custom DMX Profile editor is a window with its own file, this allows you to store all your custom profiles inside a single file to be selected from, or transfered to other systems. To facilitate this you can create new lists, open lists and save lists, and add, remove, or rename profiles in your list. Using the dropdown you can select wich custom profile you are editing, in your list.

You can also add comments and text to your list if you would like to leave instructions for use or notes about the profile using the “comment” tab at the bottom left of the window, this is saved in your list file.

Custom Profile Parameters

The Main portion of this window comprises of the “Profile Parameters” and “Available parameters” Lists. On the left you have all the parameters currently in your profile. The first number being the number of the parameters, and the offset being the DMX value, where it is the starting value for that Parmeter, plus the first DMX channel. The number of DMX channels per parameter is predetermined by the BEYOND parameter being added.

There are a number of parameters you can add. The first main block is going to be the parameters that are included inside the default DMX Server profiles. From there you have access to the Quick FX grid with FX number, Action and speed. “Color Channels”, and “BEYOND Channels” These can then be added to your profile to allow for BEYOND control, or FX Control in either all areas of BEYOND, or effects baked into your profile.

Permanent Effects

The final protion of this window is where you can put “Permanent Effect for use with Parameters”. This is where you can add effects to your profiles to be bound with your Color Channel and BEYOND Channel values. This lets you add effects like “Cloning” effects to simulate “Prism effects” in moving heads, or “Window Clip” Effects to simulate Framing shutters for example.

Using the BEYOND Effect engine, this allows users to create as complex or as simple of a profile as they desire, or even emulate other DMX Based laser controllers inside BEYOND.

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beyond/custom_dmx_profiles.1680553301.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/03 22:21 by Lyra Letournea