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Node Image

BEYOND Node Image The Node Image is based on a classic approach of building out of prepared blocks, parts, modules, etc. The building block is typically called a Node. The Node in BEYOND is a visual representation of objects. In short, all of this is about putting nodes and connecting them by means of “wires”. Conceptually, such model gives an advantage such as - a flexibility to add more objects into existing object. - visual connections between object properties. The disadvantages are - some complexity. - slower speed of execution comparing to other premade to the task objects of BEYOND. Overall, the Node Image is similar to Synthesized Image. The Synthesized image is faster to process. The Node image provides much higher flexibility. Basics of BEYOND Nodes. The node looks like a rectangle with input pins on the left side, and output pins on the right side. Each Node has Object behind. You may use any exiting Object of BEYOND as a node. The context menu of Node allows you to define visible pins (object properties which visually represented as a pins). The input pin may be connected to only one output pin. The output pin may be connected to multiple input pins. Typically, object properties are available for reading as well as for writing. However, there are some exception - some of properties can be read only. Writing to them will have no impact on the value. - some properties are calculated. As example – LFO. It has read only property Value, which is output value of LFO which is calculated, based on min, max values, frequency, and waveform type. There are two special types of nodes. The image node is designed to store standard BEYOND images such as Shape, Abstract, Parametric Image, etc. The Image node has a special pin at the bottom – this is frame output pin. Such pins could be connected to the Effect node. If the Image node is not connected to the Effect node, then the frame goes directly to output, without any modification by effects. The effect node store effect inside. Such nodes have an input pin on top, and output pin on the bottom side of rectangle. You may connect the input of effect to output of the Image node, or other effect node. The output pin can be connected to other effect nodes. If not connected, then this is the final effect, and frame goes to output. Overall, the idea behind – control nodes should be places from left to right. Input pins are on the left side, output pints are on the right side. The Image should be placed on top. Effects located below, which form top to bottom direction.

Main Node types The Image nodes may keep standard Images. The Parametric image is a great companion. This image type initially designed for being controlled externally. It can do for you lines, circles and other shapes based on specified parameters. BEYOND offers over 40 types of Parametric images. The Effect nodes. There are two variations. There is a Node which keeps the classic BEYOND effect inside. The second version is based on Key effect. Standard key effect is a sequence of key states. Inside of Node you can use key effect operation, where all key effect setting available as input pins. You can control pins separately. BEYOND over 150+ types of key effects. Input nodes. This group of nodes allows you to use input from Audio, MIDI, DMX, Channels, etc.

MOBOLASER. Out mobile application allows you to use device sensors as input for creation of interactive applications. Base logic. There we are LFO, nodes for multiplication, sum, range change, etc. Overall – collection of simple math operations to modify the values. To add node – drag and drop it from Library tab to main design panel located in center of the editor. The final element here – ability to use any object from Object Tree as a node. To add such node – use context menu of main design panel. Please be aware – this is an external connection. There is no guarantee that object will exist on other BEYOND. Of course, this is not related to standard object such as Master, or similar. Object Inspector. Object inspector provides general access to object properties. It is simple to use – click on Node, and you will see all its properties. Suggested Images to use inside of Nodes. Fifo image is a signal recorder. You can drive Cursor position from external sources, LFO, etc Parametric Image is Node friendly. Shape image is similar object, however it a bit less controllable than Parametric Image.

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beyond/node-image.1701336602.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/30 10:30 by Bob Varkevisser