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Laser Show Technology for Lighting Professionals

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File menu

The File menu allows you to load and save FLASH, LCF and Laser files, as well as exit the program.

Import Shockwave Flash Movie (SWF) file

Displays a standard Windows file selection dialog box, which allows you to select a Shockwave Flash (SWF) file to be converted by Lasershow Converter FLASH. When you open a new file, Lasershow Converter FLASH will load the file, internally render the file, and optionally send the results to the QM2000 board.

Open Lasershow Converter FLASH file

Displays a standard Windows file selection dialog box, which allows you to select a Lasershow Converter FLASH (LCF) file.

Save Lasershow Converter FLASH file

Displays a standard Windows file selection dialog box, which allows you to save your current settings into a Lasershow Converter FLASH (LCF) file. LCF files contain all of your render settings, laser settings, object settings, etc. It is very convenient to save your settings and load them for use during a later work session.

Export to Laser file format...

Displays a standard Windows file selection dialog box, which allows you to save the frame or animation in either Pangolin LD Secure (LDS) or ILDA (ILD) file formats. Note that it is not strictly necessary to save the animation from within Lasershow Converter FLASH. It is possible to work with LD2000 or Showtime simultaneously, while you are working with Lasershow Converter FLASH. The animation can be saved from any of the these programs.


This menu will exit the program.

See Also

  • Toolbar buttons
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tools/lcflash/file_menu.1619169528.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/23 11:18 by Bob Varkevisser