Pangolin Family of websites
Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc.
Kvant Lasers
Unity Lasers
Pangolin Family of websites
Pangolin Laser Systems, Inc.
Kvant Lasers
Unity Lasers
The BEYOND Timeline tool allows you to quickly create laser shows.
The BEYOND Timeline is accessed by pressing the Timeline button in the upper left corner of the main BEYOND window.
Once the timeline mode has been activated, you will see a window as shown below. To get back to the live control grid, simply click on the upper-left button again.
To create a show, simply drag and drop cues from the Workspace Cue Grid onto the timeline. When you first open the timeline, you will see three tracks visible, but you can add as many as you want by simply clicking on the large plus-sign below the last track.
The BEYOND Timeline features Play and Stop buttons so that you can watch the show as you are creating it. You can also drag the time slider by clicking and dragging the mouse in the timeline area.
To display the show that you have created, simply click on the Show it now button. If the Play button is not active, you could scroll around on the timeline and output only the imagery found at that particular time slider position. If the Play button is active, the show will play to the laser.
You can save the show to disk, or to a cue for more permanent storage or for use later. Simply click on the File menu and choose the appropriate save option.
On the File, you can load an audio which will appear as the top timeline. Currently BEYOND supports only WAV and MP3 audio formats.