Fulltext results:
- QuickShow Tutorial Videos @quickshow
- ====== QuickShow Tutorial Videos ====== ==== QuickShow Quick Hints ==== * [[quickshow:video:quickshow quickhints Introduction and Quick Setup|Introduction and Quick Setup]] * [[quickshow:video
- Lasershow Designer QuickShow Manual @quickshow
- ~~NOTOC~~ {{ :quickshow:quickshow-header.png?nolink |}} ====== Lasershow Designer QuickShow Manual ====== ===== Getting started ===== * [[quickshow:introduction|Introduction]] * [[quickshow:syste
- Chinese QuickShow Tutorials @quickshow
- ====== Chinese QuickShow Tutorials ====== [[quickshow:video|还有更多以英语提供的教学视频。]] ===== QuickShow 快速提示 ===== * [[quickshow:video-chinese:QuickHints 01 CN|简介和快速设置]] * [[quickshow:video-chinese:QuickHint
- Окно Регистрации и Лицензирования Quickshow 5.0 и выше @quickshow
- ====== Окно Регистрации и Лицензирования Quickshow 5.0 и выше ====== * [[quickshow:lic_faq_ru|Ознакомьтесь с часто задаваемыми вопросами о Регистрации и Лицензировании.]] ===== Обзор ===== Quickshow было и остается БЕСПЛАТНЫМ ПО для использования с... орудование. Если компьютер, на котором работает Quickshow, подключен к Интернет, то регистрация проходит бы
- QuickShow 注册和授权许可 @quickshow
- ====== QuickShow 注册和授权许可 ====== * [[quickshow:lic_faq_cn|查看注册和授权许可常见问题]] ===== 概述 ===== Quickshow将继续是一个免费软件,可与正版Pangolin硬件一起使用。为了确保这一点,Pangolin推出了一个注册程序... 全和管理世界各地的Pangolin硬件。系统还可以追踪盗版,帮助找回丢失或被盗的硬件。 如果您运行Quickshow的电脑已经连接到互联网,那么注册很快,并且是后台自动进行的。您可以照常使用QuickShow,和平常
- Latest Features @quickshow
- atures ====== As you can see, Lasershow Designer QuickShow is continually updated. This topic page lists the additions and changes in recent QuickShow releases. For more information about the addition... at we offer full support on the latest version of QuickShow. \\ We can only provide __very limited support__ ... s application will evolve continuously. * **[[quickshow:toolbar#link|Link]]** Support for the Link protoc
- QuickShow Registration and licensing @quickshow
- ====== QuickShow Registration and licensing ====== * [[quickshow:lic_faq|Check out the Registration and licensing FAQ]] ===== Overview ===== Quickshow is and will continue to be a FREE Software to be ... olen hardware. If the computer you have running Quickshow is connected to the internet, then registration I
- Files and File Extensions @quickshow
- ====== Files and File Extensions ====== QuickShow uses a variety of files. The file descriptions and extensions are listed below. ===== QuickShow Workspace - .qsw ===== The QuickShow Workspace file is a sort of "Master file" that contains all cue inform... nd some configuration-related information. ===== QuickShow Effect - .qeff ===== Effect files contain all in
- Toolbar @quickshow
- ====== Toolbar ====== The main functions within QuickShow are controlled by the Toolbar which is located at ... n Control Window. The toolbar is shown below. {{:quickshow:toolbar_4_0.png|}} ===== Cue triggering mode ===... ck on a cue with the mouse (or touch screen). {{:quickshow:tb_cuemode.jpg|}} If the **Select** mode is chos... a new cue and there is already a cue playing. {{:quickshow:tb_transition.jpg|}} When Transition is activate
- Quick Setup @quickshow
- Quick Setup ====== The very first time you run QuickShow, you will be greeted by the Quick Setup wizard. ... accessed at any time in the Settings menu.)** {{:quickshow:quicksetup1.jpg|}} The purpose of the Quick Setu... help you to configure the most important parts of QuickShow to your needs and the needs of your projector ==... The first step in the process is to familiarize QuickShow with the type of user you are. When choosing a us
- Projector Settings @quickshow
- ====== Projector Settings ====== QuickShow **Projector Settings** allows you to configure the maximum possib... ir output will go and set safety zones with. {{:quickshow:qs_projector_settings_size_and_pos.jpg?600|}} ==... each hardware are saved to the system/ install of QuickShow and will be recalled later, but these save settin... key. That is done under the "Registration" tab of QuickShow. You likely will only encounter this if you buy h
- Networking for Lasershows, QuickShow, and Entertainment @quickshow
- ====== Networking for Lasershows, QuickShow, and Entertainment ====== ===== Introduction ===== A somehow “b... ertainment industry. As well as understanding how QuickShow Utilize your PC and your network to achieve a sho... c IP Schedule Example and network layout ==== {{:quickshow:networkingforlasershows1.png?800|}} {{:quickshow:networkingforlasershows2.png?800|}} ==== Setting IP’s on y
- QuickTools overview @quickshow
- kTools overview ====== The QuickTools section of QuickShow is one of the most unique aspects of the program.... The QuickTools are found at the bottom of the [[quickshow:main_control_window|Main Control Window]], and are shown below. {{:quickshow:quicktools.jpg|}} All of the QuickTools work i... elow, each QuickTool is discussed separately. {{:quickshow:qt_text.jpg|}} {{:quickshow:qt_shape.jpg|}} {{:
- QuickTools overview @quickshow
- kTools overview ====== The QuickTools section of QuickShow is one of the most unique aspects of the program.... The QuickTools are found at the bottom of the [[quickshow:main_control_window|Main Control Window]], and are shown below. {{:quickshow:quicktools.jpg|}} All of the QuickTools work in... elow, each QuickTool is discussed separately. {{:quickshow:qt_text.jpg|}} {{:quickshow:qt_shape.jpg|}} {{:
- Toolbar overview @quickshow
- olbar overview ====== The main functions within QuickShow are controlled by the Toolbar which is located at... n Control Window. The toolbar is shown below. {{:quickshow:toolbar_4_0.png|}} ===== Cue triggering mode ==... ck on a cue with the mouse (or touch screen). {{:quickshow:tb_cuemode.jpg|}} If the **Select** mode is chos... a new cue and there is already a cue playing. {{:quickshow:tb_transition.jpg|}} When **Transition** is act